Welcome to Prospects Recruiters
Prospects Solutions is a relationship management system that enables your organisation to easily manage your own careers and recruitment data online in an integrated manner.
The system currently handles graduate, work experience, voluntary and part time/casual vacancies. Support for appointment and presentation events is imminent.
It will be extended to handle: online e-guidance query management and reporting; online chats and transcript management, and physical and virtual fair event management.
The system has been designed for university and college careers services but it can be used by any organisation with similar needs.
There are three portals associated with the system. The Staff portal is used by your staff to setup the system and enter and modify data. The student portal is used by your students to access data.
There is an optional employer portal which when deployed allows your employers and other recruiters to enter data.
The system is extremely flexible, efficient and user-friendly. You can customise the system so that the pages look like your own website and write your own text for the pages. You can decide which vacancy classes you wish to deploy. You can choose to deploy an employer search.
It includes back-office support for student email job alerts, uploading of student registration data, one-off bulk emails to employers and students and search and extract tools for exporting your data to external reporting systems.
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